Thursday, 12 November 2020

BSA527 Blog Sixteen (Final)

 Semester 2 Evaluation

Wow, end of the year already, that went way faster than I thought. I must say 202 has been quite a mission, but I have made it through. For our last class we went though and watched most of the classes animations, and I am so wrapped as my classmates ones were so cool. But now onto the Evaluation.

What did I like about the class?
I enjoyed the generally less stressful environment of the class, and the good dynamic of the lessons.

What is something I didn't enjoy?
I wish there was more class focused time and learnt a bit more of alternate ways to animate in the beginning.

What would I change for next time?
Two Things.
1, I would chose a more simple idea without so many scenes, so I could animate more of my stuff.
2, I would plan it out better so I wouldn't try to do everything last minute.

Overall good year, cheers to my Tutor Rachel

BSA527 Blog Fifteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fifteen

Well it has been a long night, but I have finally completed my 2D Animation. I have spent all night doing the voice lines, music and finishing a total of 6 shots, yikes. I am thoroughly pleased with my outcome, as I am happy with it, as the style remains relatively consistent thought the animation and it doesn't look too bad. The only thing is it has a trailer or teaser-esk theme and would be a cool addition to my game, which also needs a lot of work, but I am pleased with the overall end product.


BSA527 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

SO I have done the re-draw of the walking forwards animation, although I must say it looks a bit clunky but I am starting to run out of time so I will have to complete my animation quickly. Thus far I have about another 9 Shots to do, aswell as do the recording of the voicelines and the "Holy Chant" over the top.

BSA528 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

So the game is about to be handed in, and overall, I am disappointed in myself. The game just has a walking animation, in a very small map, and I just think its shit. What I would have liked to do is probably have the attack animation working, and definitely started and be set on an Idea sooner. Although I have no pictures of it, I should have been more planned out and prepared, but its over now, so hopefully if I get into the 2nd year of gaming, I can try and do a better game.

BSA528 Blog Thirteen

 Semester 2 Blog Thirteen

So I have been putting my game together and I must say, it is going alright. Currently I am putting the walk animations together, and I have now realized that the code for the walk is wrong, and is now making my character moonwalk, but hey, this seems like a funny video. After this I hope to get all the walking animations done and try and get the enemy's set up too, but we will have to wait and see.

BSA528 Blog Twelve

 Semester 2 Blog Twelve

So now I have made a map and I have also made a tileset for the game. I am currently leaning towards the tileset, as I can have more of a customization, although the map does look good. I will decide on either when the time comes, which will be about in an hour or so but yeah.

BSA528 Blog Eleven

 Semester 2 Blog Eleven

So I have done a snazzy sprite sheet for my game thus far, and I should be getting to animating soon. What I have to do is either make a tilemap for my map, or just design the map itself. I have now changed to a basic 2D 32bit pixel Art, as it might be a bit easier, but we'll see.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

BVA515 Blog Twelve

 Semester 2 Blog Twelve

Drawing class is over and the year is coming to a close. Wow, that went way too fast for my liking. Time to do an evaluation of myself in this class for the year then., lets gooo.

What did I enjoy in the classes?
I enjoyed and like how the classes were planned. I also enjoyed the helpful attitude of my tutor, who is a legend, and liked how to guided us through the process smoothly.

What would I change if I could do it again?
I would one, make my comic so much simpler and make sense. Two I would try and keep a consistent style of the drawings and three, I would want to do a more grim intense theme next time. Speaking of time, I would try and do better time management. 

Overall I enjoyed the class very much, and I cant wait for next year.
Thank you very much Chris for dealing with me for 2020, and you have been such a great tutor, so keep doing what your doing because it works great.

BVA515 Blog Eleven

 Semester 2 Blog Eleven

So now I have done a cover for the comic, and an artist portrait. I honestly dont want to have to try and draw my face, so I will be just sticking with what I am good at, Oni Masks. These turned out better than I expected, and I am actually pleased by the face on the cover. Well its the end of the year, so yeah, one more blog to go I guess.

BVA515 Blog Ten

 Semester 2 Blog Ten

Well yikes, I have done page 7 and 8, but I now have been told I can only do multiples of 4, so I am going to have to cut out two pages, shimpt. So I am cutting out pages 8 and 9 and making page 10 number 8, so this fits into the page count. Now the drawings truly look terrible, but I am just going to have to live with that. Next year I am so doing a simpler comic, so I can just keep one style, I also need to work on my faces big time.

BVA515 Blog Nine

 Semester 2 Blog Nine

I have come to the conclusion that i can no way in heaven or hell draw faces. Pages 5 and 6 were not much better than the previous but yeah, its now getting to the point of it looking more like a children's book rather then an intense comic, but thats what I get for using bright colors.

BVA515 Blog Eight

 Semester 2 Blog Eight

Pages 3 and 4 done, whoooo. To be honest I feel like they are incredibly cringe and I don't like it in the slightest, but I cant do anything about it as I am running out of time. I dont know how, but the drawings are getting worse and I am just getting disappointed with myself at this point.

BVA515 Blog Seven

 Semester 2 Blog Seven

So drawing class is going alright, as thus far I have completed two pages. Page one and two I am complacent with, as I would have liked to have a better drawing skill and a specific style for this, but there isn't much I can do about this, lest hope it gets better later on in the comic.

Sunday, 8 November 2020

BVA506 Blog Sixteen

 Semester 2 Blog Sixteen

So here is my review for my class in BVA506 Research LED-Industry Practice for 2020. 

What was something I liked/enjoyed about this class?
I quite enjoyed how when were planning for a project we had relatively free range of Ideas and topics to choose from and pick for ourselves. This was quite unique as we were permitted to discover different things and create different projects from one-another so we had a range of different things to admire and get interested in.

What did I find Difficult about this class?
Well, kind of the same as above. Although having free reign to pick whatever topic you want, within reason, if you needed help with your project but your tutor or people around you don't' know much or any about said topic, it makes it a bit more difficult to complete and attempt to solve problems.

What would I change if I were to re-do the year?
What I would probably try to do right from the beginning, is choose a topic I can follow through for the whole year in the class, as for some absurd reason I kept jumping between different things, which made it quite confusing for myself. 

Overall 2020 has be a confusing and tough year for many, but I did have some good moments and made some stuff I can be proud of, which is a bit of a relief.

BVA503 Blog Fifteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fifteen

Well this is my Final Research class for 2020.

Latest progress so far, Think and Create is on Thursday and some awesome stuff has happened. The 2nd years who are running think and create allowed me to reprint my poster, in order to let it have a better look rather than the scrappy look it had. My frame was also found, which was a relief, and it is hanging in its place and now I am quite pleased with how it looks now. It genuinely looks like a clean poster and the original colors I wanted look far better now. I am quite pleased with the turnout now and I am actually pleased with something I have made, which has not happened much for me this year. 

In class today we are just doing our blogs, and after this I will probably work on another classes assessment, but yeah, good fun. I have gone through my blogs, double checked the spelling and have submitted the right blog link, this time, and have got this rearing to go. 

Well all that's left to say is what a year it has been, and thank you to my tutor Tracy for BVA503 Research for 2020.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

BSA506 Blog Fifteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fifteen

Overall Semester 2 review

What was some stuff I liked?
Some of the stuff I enjoyed within the BSA506 classes is the numerous and wide range of topics that we discussed, ranging between film , animation and a bit of game. It was quite neat to look at several documentaries and learning about alternate branches in the industries, and possible jobs and well as certain things within the entertainment industry.

What was some stuff I found Difficult?
I found that although we did explore many different topics, they were all quite scattered or only related to one chunk at a time, rather than going through a straight line and "Junctions" between the topics. For the assessment I would have preferred to know about making a project during the Pioneer proposal, as it did not click for several of my classmates, myself included.

What would I change if I did the year again?
I would choose to more simpler Ideas so I could change them in my own unique way, rather than staying closer the original. I would also probably try to get more assessments in earlier and write or create them for a higher standard.

Overall this has been a wild year, but I did learn and discover a whole lot of new things and I had fun. Thank you Patrick for the year and see you in 2021.

BSA506 Blog Fourteen

Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

So today in class we had our presentations, whoo. Did I think they went well, not really. The downside to my assessment is that I did not realize that the video I had would play, which I had fun making. After I had added the alternate levels and made the additional textures, I put a video together with the background song of vamos i la playa, which I found to be quite funny and honestly made me more proud of my work. Although It didn't work in my presentation, here it is to see.

The rest of my classmates presentations were quite cool and I enjoyed seeing their works. Afterwards we just finished class and continued the rest of the day.

Time for a review: 

How did I think my presentation go?
Well I think my presentation could have been much better if I had made sure that everything was going to work alright and properly and submitted the PowerPoint aswell into blackboard, along with the rest of the work I handed in. The main thing I am pleased about though is that there were no bugs within my game, so it was quite relieving that I did everything right in the end.

Did I represent my Pioneer right?
For William Higinbotham I think I leant kore to the side of pong rather than Tennis for two, although I believe I kept to his original purpose of anyone can play.

What would I do Differently next time:
Make more of a plan and follow through with it than doing everything more or less last minute. I would also choose more of an advanced topic such as 3D gaming or cross platform play and put more time into making it better than my previous works.

BSA506 Blog Thirteen

 Semester 2 Blog Thirteen

Wooohooo, second day of doing my project, and it didn't go too bad. Today I mainly focused on getting all the code I need to make the game run fine, before I get into the complex stuff. SO the basic codes that I began with is the ball movement script, The paddle movement script and the main menu scripts. I began with these three as it would be much easier to re-do what I already know. After I started working on a pause menu script and layout, so if you were playing you could leave whenever you wanted to.

This is going well so far and I am quite pleased with the current outcome. Next time I will be writing code to change the speed of the balls, aswell as adding some additional textures to the scene, and then it should hopefully be done. Well that's all for now, adios.

BVA506 Blog Twelve

 Semester 2 Blog Twelve

Progress on my Assessment:

So far the progress on my remake of Tennis for Two is going well. What I started off making was a basic court with a frame around the outside, two paddles and the ball. In the game I hid the barrier around the edges of the screen so they were not protruding into the main game view area.

After that I added two numerals at the Top to keep the score between 0 and 99, depending on how much someone were to play this. Afterwards I opened up a separate scene and began work on the main menu. What I wanted for this game is to have different levels of difficulty, and it needs to have a quit button to leave the game. The next thing I had to do after getting the basic assets done, is do the coding, Yay. Personally I enjoy the coding part of making a game as it makes me think about how to solve problems and come up with new ways to think of doing something. But that is for next time, but so far so good.

BVA503 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

How am I today, very tired...

Today we started class by talking about our project in the think and create area. So I had some small issues with my poster for think and create, unfortunately. What I had intended is having a singular A2 poster in a frame/case, but that Idea in general did not turn out so great. With the printing of the poster there was a mix up, most likely on my part, of the size of the poster and instead of a singular A2, it printed as two A3's, which did not go to plan. My frame also went missing so that did not go to plan either. What ended up happening is I printed the A2 picture on two separate pieces of paper, half on each. I then used my quite cruddy cutting skills to then turn my picture into a full sized A2. In the end I feel greatly disappointed in how my project turned out. Although the Digital version still looks quite neat and and it gave a me a very clear idea of when I publish my book, eventually, it will probably have a similar look.


How do I feel about my outcome?
Well the print out I am not entirely pleased with, but I am satisficed with the digital turn out.

What have I learnt from this?
Whenever handing something in for someone else to help you, e.g. printing, make sure you have the correct file and at the correct size or definition of detail.

If I could change one thing, what would it be?
I would probably want to try and print it out and make it into an actual book, so it is something physical I can have in a bookshelve, aswell as maybe have a better Idea of if it looks good on a book rather than a poster.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

BSA506 Blog Eleven

 Semester 2 Blog Eleven

Bonnie and Clyde:

Today in class we watched bonnie and Clyde, which personally I did not enjoy. The main themes in the movie to me were that there are more grey area's in life, rather than everything is portrayed in Black and White. The main reason I did not enjoy the movie was probally I found the story quite bland and uncharacteristic, and it did make a huge impact on me. *Spoiler* when Bonnie and Clyde die at the end, I didn't really feel anything towards the characters, and I felt like Bonnie was quite selfish and Naive and Clyde was just a jackass and had a superiority complex. In the end it wasn't my cup of tea and I don't plan on watching it again.

BSA506 Blog Ten

 Semester 2 Blog Ten

The game so far, well I want to restart it. Personally I am not proud of this, as it feels too easy, so rather than keeping it I will be retyring and make it similar to pong. My main goal it to make it look more fresh and exciting, as my previous attempt felt boring and uninteresting to play, so this will provide me with more exciting gameplay, aswell as a neater look. I already can use some of my previous code, but I will have to change it to suit the new project, but even though I have two weeks left, I think I can get it done.

BSA506 Blog Nine

 Semester 2 Blog Nine

Progress so far, so I honestly haven't done much work on Tennis for two at all, as I am not really enjoying it much. What we went over this week is the several thing that we need for our class presentations, such as an introduction, progress of our work, our pioneer and their body of work and additional information. so far I have most of this already down, but I will still need to do some more, especially if I want to change it.

BSA506 Blog Eight

 Semester 2 Blog Eight

Coding thus far:

I have done some code to make the ball go over the net and when you tap within the lines area. So far it works well but it isn't the best. I am currently thinking of restarting and making more similar to a pong style, but I will take to the others within my class and see their opinions. 

BSA506 Blog Seven

 Semester 2 Blog Seven

What I am doing now, well I am setting up my game in a very basic way , the people move back and forth and the ball goes up and comes back down. but it doesn't restart yet and the ball stays at a constant speed, so I have quite a bit to work on but it feels like its going alright.

Next time I want to add some additional colors and have some trail physics so make it more interesting, so it might work. 

BSA527 Blog Sixteen (Final)

 Semester 2 Evaluation Wow, end of the year already, that went way faster than I thought. I must say 202 has been quite a mission, but I hav...