Saturday 7 November 2020

BVA503 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

How am I today, very tired...

Today we started class by talking about our project in the think and create area. So I had some small issues with my poster for think and create, unfortunately. What I had intended is having a singular A2 poster in a frame/case, but that Idea in general did not turn out so great. With the printing of the poster there was a mix up, most likely on my part, of the size of the poster and instead of a singular A2, it printed as two A3's, which did not go to plan. My frame also went missing so that did not go to plan either. What ended up happening is I printed the A2 picture on two separate pieces of paper, half on each. I then used my quite cruddy cutting skills to then turn my picture into a full sized A2. In the end I feel greatly disappointed in how my project turned out. Although the Digital version still looks quite neat and and it gave a me a very clear idea of when I publish my book, eventually, it will probably have a similar look.


How do I feel about my outcome?
Well the print out I am not entirely pleased with, but I am satisficed with the digital turn out.

What have I learnt from this?
Whenever handing something in for someone else to help you, e.g. printing, make sure you have the correct file and at the correct size or definition of detail.

If I could change one thing, what would it be?
I would probably want to try and print it out and make it into an actual book, so it is something physical I can have in a bookshelve, aswell as maybe have a better Idea of if it looks good on a book rather than a poster.

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