Sunday 8 November 2020

BVA506 Blog Sixteen

 Semester 2 Blog Sixteen

So here is my review for my class in BVA506 Research LED-Industry Practice for 2020. 

What was something I liked/enjoyed about this class?
I quite enjoyed how when were planning for a project we had relatively free range of Ideas and topics to choose from and pick for ourselves. This was quite unique as we were permitted to discover different things and create different projects from one-another so we had a range of different things to admire and get interested in.

What did I find Difficult about this class?
Well, kind of the same as above. Although having free reign to pick whatever topic you want, within reason, if you needed help with your project but your tutor or people around you don't' know much or any about said topic, it makes it a bit more difficult to complete and attempt to solve problems.

What would I change if I were to re-do the year?
What I would probably try to do right from the beginning, is choose a topic I can follow through for the whole year in the class, as for some absurd reason I kept jumping between different things, which made it quite confusing for myself. 

Overall 2020 has be a confusing and tough year for many, but I did have some good moments and made some stuff I can be proud of, which is a bit of a relief.

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