Thursday 12 November 2020

BSA527 Blog Sixteen (Final)

 Semester 2 Evaluation

Wow, end of the year already, that went way faster than I thought. I must say 202 has been quite a mission, but I have made it through. For our last class we went though and watched most of the classes animations, and I am so wrapped as my classmates ones were so cool. But now onto the Evaluation.

What did I like about the class?
I enjoyed the generally less stressful environment of the class, and the good dynamic of the lessons.

What is something I didn't enjoy?
I wish there was more class focused time and learnt a bit more of alternate ways to animate in the beginning.

What would I change for next time?
Two Things.
1, I would chose a more simple idea without so many scenes, so I could animate more of my stuff.
2, I would plan it out better so I wouldn't try to do everything last minute.

Overall good year, cheers to my Tutor Rachel

BSA527 Blog Fifteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fifteen

Well it has been a long night, but I have finally completed my 2D Animation. I have spent all night doing the voice lines, music and finishing a total of 6 shots, yikes. I am thoroughly pleased with my outcome, as I am happy with it, as the style remains relatively consistent thought the animation and it doesn't look too bad. The only thing is it has a trailer or teaser-esk theme and would be a cool addition to my game, which also needs a lot of work, but I am pleased with the overall end product.


BSA527 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

SO I have done the re-draw of the walking forwards animation, although I must say it looks a bit clunky but I am starting to run out of time so I will have to complete my animation quickly. Thus far I have about another 9 Shots to do, aswell as do the recording of the voicelines and the "Holy Chant" over the top.

BSA528 Blog Fourteen

 Semester 2 Blog Fourteen

So the game is about to be handed in, and overall, I am disappointed in myself. The game just has a walking animation, in a very small map, and I just think its shit. What I would have liked to do is probably have the attack animation working, and definitely started and be set on an Idea sooner. Although I have no pictures of it, I should have been more planned out and prepared, but its over now, so hopefully if I get into the 2nd year of gaming, I can try and do a better game.

BSA528 Blog Thirteen

 Semester 2 Blog Thirteen

So I have been putting my game together and I must say, it is going alright. Currently I am putting the walk animations together, and I have now realized that the code for the walk is wrong, and is now making my character moonwalk, but hey, this seems like a funny video. After this I hope to get all the walking animations done and try and get the enemy's set up too, but we will have to wait and see.

BSA528 Blog Twelve

 Semester 2 Blog Twelve

So now I have made a map and I have also made a tileset for the game. I am currently leaning towards the tileset, as I can have more of a customization, although the map does look good. I will decide on either when the time comes, which will be about in an hour or so but yeah.

BSA528 Blog Eleven

 Semester 2 Blog Eleven

So I have done a snazzy sprite sheet for my game thus far, and I should be getting to animating soon. What I have to do is either make a tilemap for my map, or just design the map itself. I have now changed to a basic 2D 32bit pixel Art, as it might be a bit easier, but we'll see.

BSA527 Blog Sixteen (Final)

 Semester 2 Evaluation Wow, end of the year already, that went way faster than I thought. I must say 202 has been quite a mission, but I hav...